Professional Portfolio:Heather Witt

Social Studies Unit
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Kindergarten Social Studies:
Civics and Government Mini Unit

Sample Lesson Plans From Unit

Day #1


Social Studies:

Standard #3: Civics and Government

            Definition: Students understand the ideals, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship and understand the content and history of the founding documents of the United States with particular emphasis on the United States and New Mexico constitutions and how government function at local, state, tribal, and national levels.


Benchmark #3-A: Know the fundamental purposes, concepts, structures, and functions of local, state, tribal, and national governments.


Performance Objective 1: Identify authority figures and describe their roles (e.g. parents, teachers, principal, superintendent, police, public officials).


Lesson Plan: Job Scavenger Hunt


Materials: magazines, newspapers, paper, scissors, glue


  1. Have students look through newspapers and magazines to find pictures of people doing various jobs.
  2. Cut them out and glue them on a paper.
  3. As a group, share what they found.


Assessment: Were students able to recognize various jobs?



Standard #1, Benchmark #1, Performance Objective 1


Lesson Plan: How Many Jobs Did We Find???


Materials: chart paper, number chart, markers


  1. As students are explaining all the different jobs they found in magazines, newspapers, etc. together, on chart paper, count all the different jobs that were found.
  2. Talk about the final number. Was it a large number? Smaller? Two digits? Etc.
  3. Can students find that number on a number chart?


Assessment: Were students able to locate and recognize a specific number on the number chart?



Language Arts:

Standard #1: Reading and Listening for Comprehension

            Definition: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed.


Benchmark #1-A: Listen to, read, react to, and retell information.


Performance Objective 1: Retell, reenact, or dramatize stories or parts of stories, including personal events.

Performance Objective 4: Role play and act out stories

Lesson Plan: The People Around Us


Materials: book about occupations, letter to parents, prop boxes, item from home


  1. Read the book, “All About Things People Do,” by Melanie and Chris Rice. Discuss jobs seen around the neighborhood.
  2. Have students take home a letter to parents explaining that students are to ask questions about their jobs and supply the student with an object that represents their job to be used in a class activity.
  3. Ask the students to talk with parents, guardians, care-givers, friends, or relatives about: what they do, tools they need to do it, do they like it, etc. Also ask for an object to bring to school for the class to try and guess what the job is. (example, for a librarian the student could bring a book.)



Day #2


Social Studies:

Standard #3, Benchmark #3-A, Performance Objective 1


Lesson Plan: Field Trip


  1. Students will take a field trip to the local police department to learn about what they do, and tools they use or need.
  2. When students arrive back at school the class will discuss observations and things they liked about being a police officer. Record on chart paper.
  3. Students will have a choice to draw something they liked or learned about at their field trip or to dictate a sentence to the teacher to write. Ask for volunteers to share with the class.





Standard #5: Data Analysis and Probability

      Definition: Students will understand how to formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities.


Benchmark #1: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them.


Performance Objective 1: Collect data about objectives and events in the environment to answer simple questions.


Lesson Plan: Graph “What I Want to Do When I’m Older”


  1. On chart paper record student answers of what they wan to be when they’re older from the, “The People Around Us,” lesson.
  2. Discuss the results. The most common, the least common, etc.


Assessment: Could students understand most common and least common and be able to explain why?





Standard #2: Content of Science

      Definition II (Life Science): Understand the properties, structures, and processes of living things and the interdependence of living things and their environment.


Benchmark #3: Know the parts of the body and their functions.


Performance Objective 1: Use the senses to observe surroundings, and describe the observations.


Lesson Plan: What We Noticed During Our Field Trip


Materials: butcher paper, markers, crayons,

  1. After the field trip divide the class into four groups each with the necessary materials.
  2. Assign each group one of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch). Taste doesn’t really apply to this activity.
  3. Explain that each group needs to draw a picture or explain their observations that apply to their specific sense. For example the group that has sight may draw a picture of a policeman or a police car and explain to the class what they saw.
  4. Each group will have the opportunity to share with the class.


Assessment: Does each group have an understanding of the variations between the senses? Can they describe those observations verbally or through pictures?




Language Arts:

Standard #1, Benchmark #1-A, Performance Objective 1 & 4


Continue… The People Around Us


  1. Have students present their “object” and have the class try to guess the job. Give more details about the job until someone guesses correctly.
  2. Explain that there are many different jobs. Allow students to suggest more and discuss. Ask the students to think about what they might like to do when they get older, the things they would do at this particular job, the movements, noises, etc.
  3. Encourage students to try to act out what they’d like to be and have the class guess.
  4. Have various prop items available for students to do dramatic play about different jobs and materials.


Assessment: Could students retell or reenact what they heard or learned about a particular job? Were students successful at acting out a job?

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