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Ricky Lee Allan Reflection

November 2, 2007

            There were many parts and issues that I agreed with at the Ricky Lee Allan presentation. He raised many issues that most people would rather avoid and not think about. There was one point he made that I felt I, personally related to. He was talking about how fraternities sponsor events that make fun of a particular group of people. He was referring to, “White Trash Parties,” that are held at many colleges. Having been the president of a sorority, I had been exposed to those parties that were degrading and racist. At the time, I honestly didn’t see the problem with it and just disregarded it as another party, but at that moment when Ricky Lee Allan brought the issue up, I realized how negative and embarrassing having and participating in such a party is. 

            However, there were also times during the presentation that I felt somewhat attacked for being white and found myself in a state of confusion. I understood what he was trying to get across, but I felt it could have been presented in another way using less finger pointing. I found myself wondering how Ricky Lee Allan lives his everyday life. Does he live in a predominately white area? Does he practice what he presents to people? How does he deal with being visibly white?

            Overall, the presentation was a learning experience and will only benefit me in my future as a teacher. It is important to be exposed to many different opinions and issues because it helps us grow as educators. It is our job as educators to research and learn about issues that pertain to the success of our students.

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