I think the quote by
Neil Postman is very powerful, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” This statement
has much truth to it. It also brings worry to my mind. This is the issue that reconceptualists try to consider in their classroom.
Much of what is taught in schools is not always accurate and is usually aimed towards the dominant society. Exposing students
to the truths of our history, most people find is not acceptable because history is not always on the side of the dominant
society. Textbooks have been ‘sugarcoated’ to show and reflect only the positive aspects of the dominant society’s
history. I think this is a disservice to the students we are trying to educate to become successful and capable citizens.
We try to individualize lessons, use a variety of learning styles to benefit and help our students, so how is teaching accurately
any different? It is our job, as teachers, to expose our students to the differences in our world. The real issues, the problems,
the positive aspects, will allow our students to make their own conclusion from what is presented, but students need to be
given the appropriate information to make those inferences for themselves.